Principal Investigator,
Integrative Fish Ecology Lab
Assistant Professor,
Department of Biology,
Trent University
Ph.D. candidate
Co-supervised by Dr. Chris Wilson (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources)
Research: Drivers of intraspecific variation in thermal tolerance and physiology of brook trout
Ph.D. candidate
Research: Sex-differences in the bioenergetics of walleye
amber fedus
Ph.D. candidate
Co-supervised by Dr. Jake Brownscombe (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
Research: Spatial ecology of top predators in inland lakes
Ph.D. candidate
Research: Intraspecific variation in thermal performance in fishes
Ph.D. candidate
Co-supervised by Dr. Steven Cooke (Carleton U)
Research: Behavioural ecology of predator-prey interactions in freshwater fish
Ph.D. student
Co-supervised by Dr. Lee Gutowsky (DFO)
Research: Movement and habitat use of fishes in Great Slave Lake
M.Sc. student
Co-supervised by Dr. Aaron Fisk (U Windsor)
Research: Validating a novel telemetry tracking system for the study of predator-prey interactions in fishes
M.Sc. student
Research: Effects of artificial light at night on behaviour of freshwater fish using a whole-lake fish positioning system
M.Sc. student
Co-supervised by Dr. Steven Cooke (Carleton U)
Research: Thermal habitat selection and behaviour of stocked brook trout and rainbow trout
claire doherty
M.Sc. graduate (2021)
Co-supervised by Dr. Aaron Fisk (U. Windsor)
Thesis (2021): Towards an integration of metabolic and food web ecology in fishes: a proof-of-concept with two warmwater piscivores (link)
Current position: Credit Valley Conservation Authority
M.Sc. graduate (2023)
Co-supervised by Dr. Jake Brownscombe (DFO)
Thesis (2023): Calibration of accelerometer transmitters for estimating field metabolic rates in walleye
Current position: Species at Risk Biologist, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
M.Sc. graduate (2024)
Co-supervised by Dr. Chris Wilson (Ontario MNRF)
Thesis (2023): Impacts of embryo incubation temperature on ontogenic thermal tolerance of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Current position: PhD student, University of Gothenburg
Bradley howell
Undergraduate honours student (2020-21)(d2021
Co-supervised by Dr. Chris Wilson (NDMNRF)
Current position: Ph.D. student, Raby Lab. Completed his M.Sc. at U Winnipeg after graduating from Trent.
Undergraduate honours student (2022-23)(d2021
Current position: Fish Culture Technician, Harwood Fish Culture Station, ON
Undergraduate honours student (2021-24)(d2021
Current position: Research technician, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Undergraduate honours student (2023-24)(d2021
Current position: MSc student, U. Winnipeg
Undergraduate honours student (2023-24)(d2021
Current position: MSc student, U. Winnipeg